Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011

In lieu of sacrificing all things "big hair" on Tuesday, I decided to have a super fun weekend of doing my hair.  I didn't go crazy... but I did make sure to do it. I was very amused because I was even asked, "Um, will you reconsider this whole project? I like the way it looks now!" It was very cute.

Friday, for the Boise State Game, I teased my hair up and curled it. I kept it pretty casual, since I had to be at work all day.

Saturday, I went out around the town. I decided to go straight and teased. When I tease my hair I don't tease it too big. I just like to give it some good body.

I look angry! I'm not, I promise!

And THAT is my current hair length. Tomorrow I'm heading in for a trim and a final blowout to get this whole thing started. I can't wait to give up my hairspray, teasing comb and blow dryer. I wonder what I will be saying in a mere 7 days...

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