Jumat, 09 Desember 2011

I know this is a "hair" blog.
So today I'm directing you elsewhere.

See, I have this new site series there
where I post about my unfashionable self.

It's unfashionable because fashion has purpose.
Fashion is beauty.
To be quite honest, when it comes to clothes, style and fashion
I'm a red-hot mess.

 One of my favorite reader/blogger friends named Whitney 
 left a cute comment the other day about my fashion sense.
She said,
"Aw, your fashion sense is adorbs! And hey, at least you got a great bod, sista." 
Translated, that means: Fashion sense = not so much.

So if you're interested in seeing some interesting
outfit combos and probably some oopsies...
go check out my un-fashion on Simply Aunie.

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