Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

Waterfall braid.

Granted, this was one of the two occasions this year
where I had my hair done for a wedding (in May), but the girl who did it is amazing.

And... the photography? 
The photo was done by my friend, Matt.
I got to meet him when I went to said wedding down in Oklahoma.

And... something cool?

ATTENTION, ATTENTION! Calling all 2013 Brides! Matt Martin Photography is giving away a complete wedding photography package to anyone living outside Oklahoma. He loves to travel and will come to YOU! 

How does it work? Enter HERE by October 31. Three finalists will be chosen, and a voting period will be held from November 15 thru December 15th. The couple with the most votes at the end wins!

What comes with this prize package?
  • full wedding day coverage by Matt 
  • complimentary engagement session
  • handcrafted box of 4x6 curated prints from your wedding day
  • online proofing and ordering gallery for 3 months

So, what's the catch? None. The one thing you must do if you win is pay his travel expenses. And honestly? Just Expedia.com that little trip... you will save thousands. If I were getting married in 2013, I wouldn't even let him open up this contest. I would automatically declare myself a winner by default.

For all the details, click here. There's even a little contest of my own if you read to the bottom. To be honest... you'd be silly not to enter Matt's contest. Want more proof he's awesome?

Told you. Now go enter and win the package from the best photographer ever for yourself.

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