Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Bye Bye Beehive, is over in 
6 days.
Six days.

6-days until I can use a blow dryer.
6-days until I don't have to go to work with a wet mop of hair everyday.
6-days until I probably won't go back to the crazy teasing, hair spraying, and highlighting
I was so attached to before.

I think the coolest part about this year-long project
is all that I've learned about myself.
You'll hear more about it in... 6 days.

Anyway—one of my favorite things to add a little spunk to a 2nd-day hair style
is to create a couple of twists or braids and secure your hair into a messy bun.
It's adds texture, it catches the eye, and it totally hides the fact 
that your hair is dirty major (with some dry shampoo, of course).

Because sometimes, just sometimes, that extra 10 (or 40) minutes of sleep
is just oh-so worth-it.

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