Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Are you a fan of leftovers? Some food just tastes so much better the day after it's made. For instance, cold pizza. Yum. Or Kraft Mac 'n Cheese. I will purposefully make Mac 'n Cheese just so I can put it in the fridge and eat it the next day. Am I weird? Maybe. But is it delicious? You betcha!

I was hoping the same would be true for my faux fro from yesterday. I'm still on the edge about how today's "leftover" hair turned out. I will be honest and tell you that when I woke up this morning it was quite greasy. Ew. On days where I ruffle my hair with my hands often, it always ends up greasy the next day. Today was no exception. Since baby powder is not a styling product, it's safe to say I can still use it. I added a bit to my roots this morning to help absorb some of the oil. It worked very well.

I ended up going with a simple ponytail with a bump in front. I pulled on a few of the pieces that I wanted to poof out a little bit, including the bump. I finished with a few strands of hair wrapped around my ponytail holder and secured them with bobby pins.

It's just OK. Normally I would also tease the ponytail to give it some good fluff. In my opinion, the bottom of this ponytail looks just absolutely haggard. That's okay, though. I guess I will be having a few days like this over the next year... unfortunately. But hey... at least my hair holds a crimp without hairspray... YESSS!

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