Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Part of my 365-day journey, in addition to growing long, beautiful hair, is about helping my local Boise community and patients in need. If you remember from this post, I talk about St. Luke's MSTI and how the MSTI Patient Assistance Fund helps those cancer patients who cannot afford all of the care/travel/necessities they need. Since I won't be getting my hair professionally done or buying hair products for the next year, instead of saving the money, I have decided to donate it to St. Luke's to help make a difference in the community. I'm asking YOU for your support as well.

Based on the request of some of the people who have chosen to support me in this journey, I have created my Pledge for Patients. You can pledge any amount or any of number of times you would like to donate. For instance, I have taken the Pledge. As part of my Pledge, I will donate $50 to St. Luke's for every 3 months that I make it through my natural-hair challenge. Thus, on January 11th, April 11th, July 11th, and October 11th (the last day of the project), I will be donating to St. Luke's MSTI Patient Assistance. In addition, for every 1/2 inch that my hair grows, I will also donate $10.

Will you take the Pledge?

If you'd like to be a part of this amazing project, please email me or visit our St. Luke's Giving page to make a donation. Each and every donation to the MSTI Patient Assistance Fund, no matter how small or large, goes directly to cancer patients in need.

Pledge for Patients Participants:
  1. Annelise - donating $50 every 3 months of the challenge, and $10 for every 1/2 inch of hair growth.
  2. Daniel - matching Annelise's pledge.
  3. Christina - donating $5/month, paying every quarter when Annelise does.
  4. Jeff - matching Annelise's pledge.
  5. Denis - matching Annelise's pledge.

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